The Synergy Network


I'm sure you've heard it " if you build it, they will come".

Synergy was birthed into reality because I honored a direct message from spirit. It was time to evolve into the person I wanted to be as a child.

At 8 years old I told my Mom, Betty, I was going to save the world. She patted me on the head and sent me out to play. Little did she know I went outside and began to dream. I dreamt of a world that could be better. Where kindness and love was the norm, not the exception. Where we could see each other in truth, we could operate from the " Soul Space". I felt that calling deep within my being at a very young age. 

My mothers side carried the Cherokee/ Blackfoot lineage. She would just tell us "stories" that we found interesting, never knowing that she was teaching us lifelong lessons we would draw on for decades. One particular story struck a chord deep in my soul that i would hear echo through the years of my life. Never completely leaving me, almost like a haunting tale of truth, but I couldn't figure out what it meant. i had no idea it would take years for it to show me its true meaning. 

After several near death experiences and the birth of a miracle baby. It was a typical day as a  counselor working in an outpatient drug and alcohol rehab center. The echo fell softly into my mind like a leaf drifting in the air. "There are four rooms in my fathers house" It all made sense in that moment. 

The Cherokee story spoke of the four rooms that are in my fathers house. One room where food is prepared and consumed, a place for bathroom needs, a rest area, and the living area. You must not live in just one space, you live and clean all the spaces. It is similar to the anatomical structure of our hearts, 2 atria 2 ventricles. You need to live in your whole heart for it to work properly. 

Four circles became visible interlocking in the air in front of me. As if out of thin air the gold sparkling circles became the symbol i needed to understand how to heal the world. It was a treatment plan for the healing of the soul.

Now in my thirties, I saw the path being made for me. 

Synergy is the SOULution to addiction, to mental health, to illness,  to everything. 

Circle number one Physical body 

Circle  number two Psychological or Mental body 
Circle three is the emotional body
Circle four is the the energy 
and as they came together they created a center point that I knew was the soul of a person in the center- our soul center and that is where the brokenness that is need of healing and the rest will improve. 
The true epidemic is "holes in souls' that is what most self help groups are actually based on, a spiritual malady. 
I had the biggest ah-ha moment of my entire life i felt. It was ll so clear to me in that moment. 
It was Synergy - taking all that i knew, my traditional training and implementing metaphysics training, energy healing, leaning into my Native heritage for direction and guidance on how to exactly proceed. 
That information combined with "there is a wellspring inside of you" from The Healing Fields from when I first started my holistic healing journey became Synergy Springs Soul Center. 
I not
only went to work training and healing folks, i was connecting with so many who were like minded, ready for a change and wanted to be a part of that change. 
Then in early 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic I was given a very profound message from spirit to "make the net work". 
I have been given much direction at this point from spirit and some of it was overwhelming. So I decided to just set with it a bit in order to better understand it .
Now, here we are and the message is quite clear once it is all put together. 

If you build it they will come, make the network, this is Synergy. I felt like Dorothy in the wizard of Oz. All this time I had the answer but couldn't see it. 
The vision is clear now. All that is of the light, that is good, just and healing will all come together to make this powerful network of like minded individuals- as one voice we can make a dent, as a collective of strong voices we will make an impact. We are the Synergy Network. 
Here you will find those who are consciously connected who share  the same beliefs and are dedicated to making the world a better place. 
This network will provide education, enlightenment, connection, community and empowerment.